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Ask a Doc | How to Develop Literacy Skills for Kids with Hearing Loss
How to Develop Literacy Skills for Kids with Hearing Loss Reading aloud with your child is one of the best ways to grow their...

Ask a Doc | How to Handle a Temper Tantrum in Public
Temper tantrums are stressful, especially when you’re out in public, like shopping or at a social or family gathering. Cook Children’s pediatrician and mom,...

Ask a Doc | What to Do When Your Child Has a Tantrum | Cook Children’s
Ah, the dreaded temper tantrum. They’re no fun, but they are a normal part of childhood, and parenting. Cook Children’s pediatrician and mom, Christina...

Ask a Doc | How much sleep do kids need? | Cook Children’s
We all need sleep, but the big question is, how much? For kids, the amount of sleep they need varies by age. From babies...

Ask a Doc | How to change a diaper | Cook Children’s
How do you change a newborn baby’s diaper and prevent diaper rash? Cook Children’s pediatrician, Kim Mangham, M.D., guides new and expectant parents through...

Remove earwax from your child’s ears safely – and without fuss
How do you remove earwax from your child’s ears safely – and without fuss? Pediatrician Frank McGeHee, M.D. has the answer, and it’s easier...